A Study on the Examination of Measurement Scales for Customer Satisfaction and Their Application in a Fitness Club
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In customer satisfaction research, the disconfirmation paradigm has received tremendous support so far, although some researchers have identified several logical inconsistencies and there also have been some studies that have found that perceived performance exerted direct significant influence on satisfaction. There are two ways of measuring satisfaction based on disconfirmation; the subtractive approach(performance minus expectation) and subjective disconfirmation. The former has been shown to have statistical problems. As for the comparison standard of disconfirmation, pre-purchase expectation is used generally. In a fitness club, however, because of its long-term consumption style, present desire should be taken into account. The purposes of this study were, first to examine superiority of three scales: subjective disconfirmation of pre-purchase expectation, subjective disconfirmation of present desire, and perceived performance, and second to clarify their applications in measuring customer satisfaction in a fitness club. Data were collected from members of a fitness club in Nagoya. The members were divided into 3 groups randomly, and then questionnaire surveys were conducted for the 1st group by pre-purchase expectation, for the 2nd group by present desire, and for the 3rd group by perceived performance.The main results were as follows:1) There were no significant differences among explanation validity of 3 scales. The most important factor influencing overall satisfaction was "core service", in all scales, whereas the second factors varied according to the scales.2) Disconfirmation of pre-purchase expectation has effectiveness for under 6 months membership and perceived performance has effectiveness for over 1 year membership, whereas disconfirmation of present desire has effectiveness regardless ofmembership term. These results suggest that disconfirmation of pre-purchase expectation should be used for a club which is newly opened, disconfirmation of present expectation is suitable for all clubs which need to clarify improvement factors, and perceived performance is suitable for cases where we want to find characteristics of a club in comparison with others.
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- A Study on the Examination of Measurement Scales for Customer Satisfaction and Their Application in a Fitness Club
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