A Longitudinal Study on Patterns of Change in Menstrual Cycle Length According to Age in Female College Athletes.
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We analyzed data on 84 women who had self-recorded dates of menstruation prospectively for nearly 10 years since their entrance to a college of physical education in April 1981. In terms of changes in the menstrual cycle length by age, 70% of the women could be classified into the following three patterns: (1) the length remained almost within gynecological normal range from age 18 to 27 (?gpattern A?h, 28.6%), (2) the length fluctuated only during their college student days (from age 18 to 22) and then became stable (?gpattern B?h, 21.4%), and (3) the length fluctuated considerably throughout the period observed (?gpattern C?h, 19.0%). The mean ages at menarche were higher among the pattern B and C subjects than that among the pattern A subjects . Distribution of the three patterns was different according to the age at menarche: proportion of pattern A was highest (50.0%) among those who had experiencedmenarche at age 11 and decreased to 9 .1% among those who had experienced menarche at age 13. Proportions of patterns B and C increased accordingly, and pattern A dominated among those with the menarcheal age 14. Proportion of patterns B and C was higher (that of pattern A was lower) among athletes than among non-athletes. However, pattern A was also observed in some athletes and pattern C in some non-athletes . In conclusion, the cyclicity of menstruation after age 18 is relatively stable among non-athlete women with early menarche, though there still existed some cases who did not show stabilization, suggesting that the length of menstrual cycle in women who graduated from college of physical education does not always become stabilized.
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