感應理論の研究 (第三報告):分割錯視の研究 (形態心理學説の批評)
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<I>Problem</I>. It is a very familiar fact that unfilled space seems shorter than fi lled space. (Fig. 1.). This famous illusion has given rise to much difference of opinion. The explanation usually given is that over unfilled space the eye is free to move, while over filled space its movement is repeatedly arrested by the intervening dots or lines. The other explanation is that filled space gives an impression of multiplicity and this is confused with the length of the space. It has also been thought that the activity of attention, association, etc., is able to account for this illusion. That these are not the whale story can be seen from the fact that even at such a distance where the constituent elements (dots or lines) of the diagram are invisible, the illusion is still present.(1) Since, under this condition, we perceive no interrupted space, the diagram being apprehended as a homogenous gray patch, we can scarcely find any ground for assuming that there are stops of eye-movement or an impression of multiplicity. We must, therefore, look for a new explanatory theory.<BR><I>Experiments</I>. The first problem to be studied is to correlate this illusion with the illusion of contrast and confiuence. It can I done at once in the following way.<BR>Diagrams A, B in Fig. 1.indicate that a filled space seems larger than an unfilled space of the ame siz . It is plain, at the same time, that these diagrams are special cases of the contrastc-onfluence illusion too. Geometrically speaking there is no reason to distinguish the diagrams A, B from the diagram C which is usually known as the contrast-confluence illusion. It can be shown even more directly that they are two manifestations of the same mechanism when we compare the illusion curves for these two diagrams In the previous paper, I have demonstrated that in the contrast-confluence illusion the distance between the inner picture and the outer has an influence on the magnitude of the illusion.(2) Similar experiments were made by me with diagrams A, B, C in Fig. 1. In the present experiment, however, the amount of distance between the inner picture and the outer was varied by the inner only, the size of the outer picture being kept constant (2cm). In Fig. 2 the results are shown in their most general form; the influence of the inner lines upon outer fixed ones varies quite regularly with changes in the space interval between the two. The overestimation increases up to a ceratin point with increase in the size of interval, but it decreases when the size exceeds a certain limit. At this stage, I repeated the same experiment with the diagram D in Fig. 1. The result of that experiment is represented in Fig. 3. It follows from Fig. 3 that the amount of the illusion varies with the change of interval in the same way as the diagrams A, B, C do. (the ordinate represents the amount of the illusion, and the abscissa the space interval.)<BR>In Fig. 4 we have plotted the data for each of the diagrams (diagram B and diagram D) in order that the comparisions may mabye made with greater facility. It is readily observed that the curves for both illussion diagrams are identical in shape except for the change in the differenc of the illusion magnitude; the magnitude of the illusion increaes in the presence of an additional stimulus, i. e., another inner line.<BR>Now, we are faced here with an important problem calling for solution when we consider the fundamental nature of the illusion as we find it ex hibited in these curves. This problem concerns itself chiefly with the problem of the summative character of perception as regards the amount of the illus ion. As every one can see quite clearly, the amount of the illusion varies additively in the presence of anotherinterpolated line. This means simply that the magnitude of the illusion for a complex diagram like dingram B can be obtained by adding together those for component partial illusions.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文