日本医科大学図書館における電子ジャーナルの管理と提供--Serials Solutionsサービスを導入して
- 論文の詳細を見る
With the wide use of the internet-accelerated digitization of journal articles, the total number of e-journals has been increasing steadily. Nippon Medical School Library implemented the Serials Solutions, AMS, an e-resource access and management service, and the 360 LINK, an Open URL Link Resolver, both developed by Serials Solutions, aimed at easy management of e-resources, and providing them effectively to library patrons.This report describes the implementation process and how the Serials Solutions AMS and the 360 LINK work.By implementing these services, e-resource management task shave been simplified, and the use of e-resources has been increasing. Among the issues that still need to be addressed are the maintenance of accurate data for the e-journal list by incorporating the Serials Solutions services into the existing library system, and promoting their effective use. Taking measures to address these issues is the next step to optimize the value of our e-resources for our library patrons.