- 論文の詳細を見る
Shinshu University took charge in 2006 of Area I ofthe Cyber Science lnfrastructure (CSI) Development Projectof the National lnstitute of lnformatics (NII), and developedthe Shinshu Universtiy Online System of General AcademicResources (SOAR). SOAR achieves mutual coordinationby linking e-journals and the Web of Science to theresearcher directory and the institutional repository - two systemcornerstones. This led to improvement Qf the internalenvironment of scholarly information of the university, anddissemination of university research results and researchactivities, both within Japan and around the world, to a wider audience. SOAR targets universality, and the core of its systemhas begun to be provided free of charge to the academiccommunutiy around the world. Tlie role of the medical libraryin SOAR is to encourage researchers to archive their papersin the institutional repository, to formulate and promote anarchiving policy, to deal with the faculty and to cooperate withthe main library.
- 日本医学図書館協会の論文