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A sociomedical investigation was performed for the 2, 082 senile people aged over sixty of which one group was residing with family at large city area numbering 1, 337 (A group) and other group was accommodated in 16 Asylums out of total 43 throughout country numbering 745 (B group). Following conclusion was obtained .1. Marriage and number of children : 1) The age of marriage was 20.8 years of men, 17.8 years of women in A group; 20.1 of men, 16.9 of women in B group. 2) The spouse status showed bereavement 46.9%, spouse 41.8%, remarriage 2.7%, divorce 1.5% in A group; bereavement 69.3%, divorce 7.8%, spouses 4.2%, remarriage 3.0/ in B group, accordingly higher rate of non-spousing in B group. 3) Total number of children delivered was 5.3 in A group, 1.9 in B group and number of present children living was 4.1 in A group, 0.6 in B group.2. Living expense maintenance 1) As to the residing group at large city area, old person livable by their own income including wife supported by the husband's income were 38.7%, which consisted 16.8% of property income, 15.9% of own working and 2.4% of pension, and those of no income were 61.3%, of which the cases depended on their posterity were 57.7% and those depended on the relief assistance were 2.0%. Sex difference of their income living showed 56.1% in men and 27.0% in women which expressed more vitality in men. 2) As to the accommodated group at asylum in specific area, the motive of accommodation ranked 34.1 % of no family, 34.1 % of own request and 10.5% of no satisfactory family relationship, and cases of having posterity were 35.1 % and that of having relative 47.7%; and as for the communication, 18.1% of subject having posterity and 23.6% of that having relative and visiting from them ; and communication and interview frequency was 1-4 times at most ; and impression to asylums showed 80.4% of favorable and 4.0% of undesirable.3. Family composition and resident status of family group : Family size was 5.8 and the generation composition was 50.3% of three generations, 40.8% of two and 6.4% of one generation showing large and small family size. The subject lived with posterity rated 32.9% with son only, 5.6% with daughter only, and 2.8% of no inmate. Frequency of posterity visiting from apart-living showed over once a month rating 42.2%, several times a year 20.3% and no visiting 4.5%, and in case of subject visiting, over once a month 22.9%. several times 22.0% and no visiting 8.1%.4. Health status: Comparison of health status between risiding group with family (A) and accommodated group at asylum (B) was attempted as follows. 1) Vision : "no trouble" 51.3%, "hardly see" 38.4%, "can notsee" 6.5% in A group and 37.9%, 40.3%, 13.7%, respectively in B group. Audition; "no trouble" 65.0%, "hardly hear" 21.3% in A group and 53.4%, 34.4% respectively in B group, showing better vision and audition in A group. 2) Sleeping hour was 8.2 in A group and 8.0 hours in B group . 3) Age of menarche was 17.0 and menopause 48.2 in A group and 16. 8, 47.5 respectively in Bgroup. 4) Daily living custom showed : a) Tooth-brushing; "everday" 82.0%, "occasionally" 12.0%, "never" 3.4% in A group and 50.6%, 26.4%, 11.9% respectively in B group representing worse condition of B group. b) Smoking ; "not smoke" 43.0%, "smoke" 35.0%, "smoke if available" 13.2% in A group and 43.1%, 29.1%, 24.6% respectively in B group containing more smokers in A and more readiness in B group. c) Drinking, "not drink" 51.3%, "drink if available" 25.3%, "drink" 13.8% in A group and 49.8%, 27.7/, 18.1% respectively in B group showing half population of not drinking in both group.5. Hope and desire : The desirable subjects of residing group with family for the society and nation were as follows. 1) Subject dsired occupation was 34.8% out of total and the raeson was 15.4% for living maintenance. 19.4% for health and 64.4% of no response.