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11 simulated correlation matrices of 30 composites, which were equivalent to the observed 30-minutes' performances of the Uchida-Kraepelin Test, synthesized by substituting 36 sets of normal random deviates of 0 mean and unit variance into 6 common factors and 30 error factors of the factor-analytic model of the test (Formula No. 1), were re-factoranalyzed. Complete isomorphism between the observed and the simulated data was found in the means, standard deviations, correlations, eigenvalues and factor-loadings and also in the weights for factor-scores. The results seem to give a clear-cut answer to the determination of the number of factors. Cattell's Scree Test is found superior to Guttman's criterion which uses eigenvalues of the correlation matrix with unities in the diagonal.
- 公益社団法人 日本心理学会の論文
- ターニングポイント2005
- 2007年度のあゆみ
- 2006年度のあゆみ
- 巻頭言
- 巻頭言
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- IT(情報技術)革命が拓く2000年紀デジタル新時代の幕開け
- コンピュータ・シミュレーションによる内田・クレペリン作業曲線の合成と因子分析による分解