- 論文の詳細を見る
The production and utilization of biofuels is promoted in many countries and regions, and it isestimated that these markets will continue to expand in the future. This study is the first toevaluate existing studies on how biofuel expansion will impact international food prices, and presentsa new study on how bioethanol consumption will impact world corn prices by using a dynamic partialequilibrium model. There have been many studies on the biofuel impact on food prices. However, few are neutral, with the exception of a study by IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute).IFPRI found that bioethanol consumption would have led to a 20-21% decrease in international cornprices if U.S. Bioethanol consumption was abolished in 2007. This means that U.S. bioethanolconsumption will impact international corn prices by 20-21%. The current study examines the samescenario. If U.S. Bioethanol consumption were abolished, international corn prices would havedecreased by 22.2% in the 2007/08 period and would decrease by 37.4% in 2017/18. The results ofthis study indicate that U.S. bioethanol consumption will impact international corn prices by 22.2-37.4%. The estimations show that U.S. Bioethanol consumption impacted international corn prices by22.2% in 2007/08.
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