小児気管支内視鏡検査 気管支肺胞洗浄検査法
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In Department of Pneumology, Children's Hospital Armand-Trousseau, bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) are performed for the cases of resiratory diseases which are difficult to be diagnosed. They usually used the rigid bronchoscope orally in patients under 9 kg of body weight and the flexible bronchoscope in patients over 9 kg of body weight. Pediatric bronchoscopy and BAL are useful procedure for the cases of persistent or recurrent respiratory diseases and could be performed under local anaesthesia without severe complication. When BAL has to be performed, the tip of the flexible bronchoscope is wedged at an orifice of lobar or segmental bronchus. Total volume of injected physiological saline is 10% of functional residual capacity (FRC) divided into six aliquots. Each aliquot is injected and recollected through the channel of bronchoscope by handled syringes. BAL-fluid (BALF) is analysed for microbiology, biochemistry, cytology, cytokines. It is expected that the method of BAL would be unified among the pediatric pneumologists.
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- 小児呼吸器疾患における気管支肺胞洗浄検査
- 喘息における気管支内視鏡, 気管支肺胞洗浄液検査の有用性
- 小児気管支内視鏡検査・気管支肺胞洗浄検査法 : Armand-Trousseau 小児病院呼吸器科における方法を中心として
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- Interstitial pneumonia which was complicated by the dermatomyositis.
- Infantile respiratory diseases observed by the eyes. A male infant case of nasopharyngeal cancer with primary symptoms of trismus.
- タイトル無し
- 小児気管支内視鏡検査 気管支肺胞洗浄検査法