パルス中性子用位置敏感型中性子検出器の現状 (中性子科学を支える基盤技術「中性子源から測定装置まで」)
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Nowadays, neutron detectors draw many attentions since new intense spallation neutron sources and new neutron optics are being realized. Conventional neutron detectors suffer from their poor count rate characteristics, position resolutions, and energy resolutions, etc. Since those properties are related one another in a complicated way, better design of the neutron detector engineering is required. Also, people anticipate new innovative technologies to overcome the current limitation of the detector performance. Future trends for neutron detectors are introduced in this paper.
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- 中性子検出器に対する要求仕様とそれを満たす検出器候補 (中性子科学を支える基盤技術「中性子源から測定装置まで」)
- パルス中性子用位置敏感型中性子検出器の現状 (中性子科学を支える基盤技術「中性子源から測定装置まで」)