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Neutron scattering experiments have been performed to study spin excitations in the overdoped La<SUB>2-x</SUB>Sr<SUB>x</SUB>CuO<SUB>4</SUB> (0.25≤x≤0.30) using triple-axis and time-of-flight techniques. Low energy magnetic excitations (ω<10 meV) show incommensurate peaks for the superconducting samples with a maximum at-6 meV in the energy spectrum. As doping increases, the maximum of the dynamic susceptibility X″(ω) decreases linearly with <I>T<SUB>c</SUB></I> and, finally, the low energy excitations become unobservable at x=0.30 coincidentally with the disappearance of bulk superconductivity. Magnetic excitation spectra in the intermediate energy range (20<ω<100meV) are found to decrease monotonically with doping. These observations are discussed in terms of a phase separation of the system into a remnant magnetic region, which possibly consists of a stripe structure and supports the superconductivity, and a non-magnetic metallic region.
- 日本中性子科学会の論文
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