- 論文の詳細を見る
Two different antisera by androst-4-ene-3, 17-dione (Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione) -3-oxime-BSA and Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-6-Carboxymethylthioether (CMTE) -BSA were made. The specificity and affinity of these antisera were satisfactory.<BR>Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-3-oxime and Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-6-CMTE were synthesized by the method in current use. Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-3-oxime-BSA and Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-6-CMTE-BSA were prepared by the mix-anhydride method.<BR>Throughout two or three months several rabbits were immuninized with these different antigens. Both antisera showed high affinity and specificity for Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione.<BR>When considered from these steroid radicals and side chains of Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-3-oxime and Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-6-CMTE, the specificity of these two antibodies showed different results.<BR>Antiserum produced from the latter showed a higher specificity than that produced fromthe fo rmer against other steroids because the latter reserved 3-and 17keto radicals without destruction. From these results it seemed that the preservation of 3- or 17-keto radicals was important in preparing the antigen ofΔ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-3-oxime antiserum.<BR>Both antisera had no great affinity with 3- or 17-α hydroxy steroids. Whether the structure of the A ring is 4-ene or 4-ane and A/B configuration is 'trans' or 'cis' was not an important factor on the affinity of steroid with these antisera.<BR>For the assay, 20,000 diluted antiserum ofΔ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione-6-CMTE-BSA was used. 0.2 ml of plasma was diluted with 0.2 ml of distilled water. For recovery calculation 1,000 dpm of tritiated Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione was subsequentry added. This sample was extracted by 1.5 ml of dichloromethane twice. The dried sample was applied to the microcolumn of a Sephadex LH-20 and eluted by hexan benzene methanol (85 : 10 : 5).<BR>One third of this elute was used for the measuring of recovery. 10,000 dpm of tritiated Δ<SUP>4</SUP>-A-dione was added to the remainder and it was used for radioimmunoassay.<BR>The accuracy and precision of this method were acceptable. Blank value, recovery, and normal range of male plasma were within the limits of admission.
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