本態性高血圧における, グルカゴン負荷およびフロセミド・立位負荷時の, 血漿カテコールアミン, 血漿レニン活性の反応性
- 論文の詳細を見る
To investigate the pathogenic role of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system in essential hypertension, we evaluated plasma catecholamine and PRA levels after glucagon stimulation and during one hour in upright posture after i.v. injection of frosemide.<BR>In nine normal and high renin essential hypertensive (NHRH) subjects, i.v. injection of 1000big of glucagon caused rapid and significant increases in plasma epinephrine (E) concentration. Both the 5 min. level after glucagon injection (314±30pg/ml, mean±S.E., p<0.05) and peak value (358±87 pg/ml, p<0.05) were significantly higher than the basal level (170±25 pg/ml). Plasma norepinephrine (NE) concentration of the peak value (1065±231 pg/ml) was significantly higher than the basal level (357±50pg/ml, p<0.02). PRA levels increased in 4 out of 9 patients.<BR>In seven patients with low renin essential hypertension (LRH), there was an impaired PRA response to glucagon, E also failed to increase at anytime after glucagon injection, but peak value of NE (1212±274pg/ml) was significantly higher than the basal level (391 ± 77 pg/ml, p<0.01). NE levels of NHRH during one hour in upright posture after i.v. injection of 40mg of frosemide were higher than LRH. Particularly at 10 min. level, the NE level of NHRH (895±115 pg/ml) was significantly higher than LRH (523±91 pg/ml, p<0.05).<BR>These results suggest that the sympathetic-adrenomedullary function in LRH is diminished, and the renin secreting ability of JG cells is also diminished in LRH. The glucagon stimulation test is useful to assess renin secreting ability of JG cells.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
- 129)透析に移行した悪性高血圧症に対するcaptori1の応用 : 日本循環器学会第49回近畿地方会
- 本態性高血圧における,グルカゴン負荷およびフロセミド・立位負荷時の,血漿カテコ-ルアミン,血漿レニン活性の反応性
- 本態性高血圧における, グルカゴン負荷およびフロセミド・立位負荷時の, 血漿カテコールアミン, 血漿レニン活性の反応性