Strategic Framework of Open Source Intelligence for Competitive Analysis:A Case Study of Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry M&A on the 2010 problem through Text-Mining
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Since the global financial crisis in 2008, the US and other intelligence communities realized the significance of the open source intelligence (OSINT). The OSINT is widely used for the intelligence for the national security. This paper is to illustrate opportunities and threats of the OSINT when it is applied to the competitive intelligence; and to put the text-mining as the core methodology for that application. For the case study of the application, this paper analyses the M&A developments of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry for the last decade, which holds the 2010 problem. We also validate the effectiveness of the text-mining as the OSINT methodology for the competitive intelligence.
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- Strategic Framework of Open Source Intelligence for Competitive Analysis:A Case Study of Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry M&A on the 2010 problem through Text-Mining
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