- 論文の詳細を見る
We aimed to investigate anisotropic viscoelastic properties of bone, which had been expected from an orthogonal anisotropy in Young's modulus of cortical bone. Relaxation Young's modulus of cortical bone was investigated for two different directions with respect to the longitudinal axis of bone (bone axis, BA) : the modulus parallel (P) and normal (N) to the BA. Stress relaxation for both specimens manifests two relaxation processes, referred to as f-process in a short time region and s-process in a long time region. The two processes were decomposed by fitting the relaxation data to the empirical equation previously proposed for cortical bones. The f-process of the P sample almost completely coincided with that of the N sample. On the other hand, there was a difference in the modulus value of s-process between the P sample and the N sample. The results indicate that the f-process represents the relaxation in the collagen matrix in bone and that the s-process is related to a higher-order structure of bone that is responsible for the anisotropic mechanical properties of bone.
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