- 論文の詳細を見る
Temporomandibular arthrosis (TMD) is a disease which has symptoms as restricted mouth opening, joint noise and/or joint pain. Therefore several conditions are included in this disease. Now TMD is divided into five categories; the masticatory muscle disorder (type I), capsule-ligament disorders (type II), disc disorders, i.e. internal derangement (type III), degenerative joint diseases, osteoarthrosis (type IV), and others (type V). Type III and IV are the major part of TMD. The etiology had been considered to be "malocclusion" or other "occlusion related conditions", and so the aim of the treatment of TMD have (had) been directed to eliminate the suspicious malocclusion and to reduce the dislocated disc. Recent studies revealed that the occlusion will not be the true cause of TMD.<BR>Our goal of the treatment of TMD is to improve the ADL of the patients, avoiding the change of the occlusion. To achieve this, we perform "jaw mobilization" like stretching and the intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid solution after the irrigation of joint space. When comparing the results of the above mentioned method with "jaw mobilization" alone, the combined method showed the better consequence; especially the pain was significantly diminished within two weeks.
- 日本バイオレオロジ-学会の論文
渥美 友佳子
松本 憲
大阪大学大学院 歯学研究科 口腔外科学第二教室
松本 憲
渥美 友佳子
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