追加 人胎児下垂体内TSHについて
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The fetal TSH was investigated qualitatively and histochemically using fetal pituitaries. These fetuses were obtained from women who had abortions but did not have any thyroid disease. The TSH activity could be detected at the 8th week of gestation and the value was 2.15 mU/mg. From the 9th to the 12th week of gestation the value was 2.93 mU/mg. and from the 13th to the 18th week of gestation, it had rapid increase and ranged from 4.4 mU/mg to 4.9 mU/mg. From the 19th to the 22nd week of gestation or the 6th month of gestation the value was 6.44 mU/mg. There was a rapid increase of the value at the 23rd week of gestation and at the 25th week it came up to 8.2 mU/mg. There was also a marked increase in the weight of the fetal pituitary gland. At the 8th month of gestation the value ranged from 9.6 mU/mg to 13.5 mU/mg and at the 10th month it ranged from 15.9 mU/mg with its maximum value. On the other hand, in the histological study the anterior pituitary lobe showed a funicular structure. Among the anterior-lobe cell, α-cell and γ-cell could be found but β-cell was not clear. There was no PAS or Gomori-positive cell at this time. Even at the 6th month of gestation, there was still much interstitial connective tissue and the coexisistence of pseudofollicles and reticular structure was found. But the differentiation of these three cells, namely α, β and γ cells became possible at the 6th month of gestation compared to the 5th month. The same thing would be found with CHP stain and there was also PAS-positive cell. The reticular structure became obscure at the 7th month of gestation and the cells became more easy to be differentiated. The size of the cells got large and there was also Gomori-positive cells. At the 8th month of gestation, the number of β-cell became more significant and its specific morphology was very clear. It seems that the differentiation of the auterior pituitary lobe was established at this time. There was no histological change in the anterior lobe at the 9th and the 10th month of gestation and only an increase in the number and the size of the each cell were found. From the above events we can conclude that the fetal thyroid gland had the influence from its own fetal pituitary gland since the 12th week of gestation and the pituitarythyroid system was already completed by the time of birth.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文