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To investigate relationships between fine structure and function of the thyroid, morphological changes of follicular epitherial and interstitial cells of the gland produced by administration of I<SUP>131</SUP> was examined with the electron microscope.<BR>The male rats fed on low iodine diet were used to which 300μc of I<SUP>131</SUP> was administered by a single intraperitoneal injection of NaI<SUP>131</SUP>. One, 12 and 24 hours, 4, 9 and 30 days after I<SUP>131</SUP> administration, the glands were removed and fixed in isotonic 1% OsO<SUB>4</SUB> for ultrathin-sections. The results obtained are summarized as follows.<BR>1. At one hour after I<SUP>131</SUP> administration hardly any changes in fine structure of epitherial and inerstitial cells were observed.<BR>2. At the earlier period after I<SUP>131</SUP> administration (4-9 days), height of epitherial cells or of their microvilli decreased, nuclear materials aggregated and the appearances of cytoplasm became remarkably denser.<BR>3. At this stage, mitochondria swelled, vacuolization and disarrangement of their cristae being observed, while Golgi complex were scarecely observable and electron dense granules of round or irregular shape (probably lipid granules ?) increased.<BR>4. The profiles of endoplasmic reticulum changed remarkably day after day. At 12 and 24 hours after I<SUP>131</SUP> administration, saccate and polymorphic shape of endoplasmic reticulum diminished and, after 4 and 9 days, lamellic and small vesicular shapes were observed only in cytoplasm.<BR>5. But 30 after I<SUP>132</SUP> treatment, the follicular cells as well as their microvilli recovered their normal heights, the nuclei also became almost similar to the normal one and Golgi complex reappeared. Cytoplasm gave a foam-like appearances because of the increasing of saccate and polymorphic shape of endoplasmic reticulum.<BR>6. Morphological changes in interstitial cells in the thyroid were in general trend, similar to those of the follicular cells.<SUP>131</SUP>From the above findings it might be said that changes in the fine structure of the thyroid gland at the earlier period are related to the hypo-functional state of the gland produced by internal irradiation due to I<SUP>131</SUP> and relationships between secretory ability and the fine structure of endoplasmic reticulum are discussed.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文