- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article I deal with Singapore as a global city-state under a cultural globalization. Different with US case or EU case, Singapore has traced in recent half century and has reached at the elaborated “cultural-state” in a unique way. I try to explain the Singapore's experience paying attention with cultural policies, a global creative city and everyday-cosmopolitanism. Particularly the new ideal or principle has been withdrawn by Singapore government's cultural policies. There are some complicated conditions and situations in this process and I would advocate some new key words like overlapping identity and everyday-cosmopolitanism among their cases.
- 特集:「グローバリゼーション再考」によせて ( グローバリゼーション再考)
- からへ : 『社会学の宇宙』の成立過程 ( テキストに映し出される社会学の知 : 社会学者はどのようにテキストを制作してきたか [II])
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