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In this study, we analyzed the features of urbanization in a suburban area of Metro Manila, the Philippines, and evaluated the impact on the thermal environment by using numerical simulation. First, land use change was analyzed by using aerial photos, satellite images and field survey during the last 28 years. Second, information on building shapes and materials, and in which year each house had been built, was collected in the study area. Third, the 3D-CAD model, to which the material and physical property data were added, was developed, and the surface temperature distribution was calculated through numerical simulations. Further, an index was used to evaluate the impact on the thermal environment: Heat Island Potential (HIP) was an index of the sensible heat flow rate on all surfaces in the area. The following findings were obtained. The materials and structures had gradually changed. The HIP value increased significantly as the land conversion proceeded and the materials of housings were changed. These indicated that the study site had caused urban heat island phenomenon, and it had become an uncomfortable area through urbanization and landscape changes.
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