- 論文の詳細を見る
At present, there are a variety of measures that are being taken in the face of the lengthening of level crossing closure times, but since these all rely on the intermittent detection of the location and speed of the train, they have not yet shown sufficient effectiveness. Against this backdrop, we will show in our simulation and experimental result the use of inductive wires to continuously detect the location of the train, while also outlining the crossing warning time control system, and how the application of this system. In this paper, warning time optimum control for level crossing with a continuous type train location detector using crossed inductive wires will be proposed and its effect to shorten crossing warning times will be discussed. And we have also confirmed the feasibility of the bidirectional information flow method. As a result, we have demonstrated that the proposed method is effective in delaying the timing of the initiation of warning and it is applicable to a high speed train.
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