- 論文の詳細を見る
With a view to examining how far the regeneration of peripheral nerves is affected by their being juvenile or aged, male rabbits (aged and juvenile ones weighing approximately 2, 500 gm. and 700 gr. respectively) were subjected to severance with a sharp knife of the tibial nerve in the left thigh, immediately followed by atraumtic suture of the nerve, to study the variation in the action potential of the nerve at its periphery from the 1st until the 40th week after the surgery. The results obtained are as follows:<BR>1. The peripheral nerve was regenerated at an average rate of 2.14 mm a day in aged animals and 2.56 mm in young ones, with a difference of 0.42 mm in favor of the latter group.<BR>2. In the aged group the action potential of the regenerated nerve was recovered up to 40-80 % of the average level for untreated normal group. In the juvenile group a recovery up to 10-80 % of the average level for untreated normal group was attained in 5 to 10 weeks and the subsequent course was the same as in the aged group. The action potential of the regenerated nerve was elevated both more rapidly and to a closer level to that for untreated normal group in juvenile that the aged group.<BR>3. In the juvenile group the velocity of conduction through the regenerated nerve was recovered up to 80 % of the average normal value in a shorter period than in the aged group: in 7-10 weeks in the former group as compared with 9-12 weeks in the latter.<BR>4. Both bed-sore and muscle atrophy of the legs on the examined side were more liable to develop in the aged than the juvenile group. There was necrosis of the foot due to circulatory disturbance etc. in the former group but not in the latter<BR>5. There was generally more satisfactory functional recovery after regeneraton of juvenile than aged nerves, presumably because juvenile nerve fibers can regenerate more vigorously with a greater daily increment in their length and also are less distant in absolute terms from the end organ than aged fibers.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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