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Japanese encephalitis virus (JaTH 160—JEV) was injected or inoculated into the various sites of adult mice (intraperitoneally, intravenously, and into nasal cavity etc) and the pathogenesis of Japanese encephalitis (JE) was studied mainly by means of the fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) . The author tried also to find the best fixative for FAT. FAT was, moreover, used in human cases of JE.<BR>The following results were obtained.<BR>1. The choice of fixatives greatly influenced the fluorescence specific to JEV antigen (specific fluorescence—SFL) of examined materials. Among f ormalin, ethanol, methanol, chloroform, chloroform-methanol, acetone, ether, difron, and carbon tetrachloride, the best SFL was obtained by carbon tetrachloride.<BR>2. Results after the injection of JEV were as follows;<BR>A) The common findings by various kinds of injection of JEV were as follows;<BR>a) Mice were sacrificed day by day after the injection of JEV and almost all organs and tissues were examined, but no SFL was observed in organs other than brain, spinal cord, and the injected retina. The primary focus of multiplication of JEV (the so-called"visceral phase") was not clarified from this experiment.<BR>b) The onset of JE was different by pathways of injection, but 1 or 2 days before the onset, SFL was recognized in the brain. The site of SFL in the brain was in the cytoplasm and dendrite of nerve cells. Just after the onset fluorescent (fl) positive nerve cells became more numerous, and SFL became discernible also in the spinal cord. The foci of perivascular cellular infiltration and glial proliferation in the brain began to appear 2 or 3 days before the onset, but no SFL was recognized there. The meninges, the wall of ependyma, choroid plexus, and wall of blood vessels were also fl-negative.<BR>B) The manner of the appearance of SFL in the brain differs considerably according to various methods of injection.<BR>a) About a week after the intraperitoneal and itravenous injection, SFL made its apearance suddenly in the brain. The appearing site of SFL was not localized, but in general SFL was discernible scatteredly in the cortex, thalamus, hippccampus. In some cases fl-positive nerve cells were present around small vessels. These findings suggest that JEV, when injected peripherally, multiplies at some unknown focus primarily, causes the viremia and proliferates again in nerve cells after reaching the brain via blood stream.<BR>b) Intracerebral injection and inoculation into olfactory bulb ; One day after the injection SFL was found in nerve cells at the site of injection, and fl-positive cells increased in number and its spreadig area widened rapidly from day to day. In the brain JEV seemed to multiply in the cytoplasm of nerve cells and to betransmitled directly from cell to cell through dendres and axons.<BR>c) Intraocular and intraspinal injection ; In most cases of intraocular injection, SFL was found in the opposite corpus geniculatum laterale. In cases of the injection into lumber spinal cord fl-positive cells began to appear in order of lumber, thoracic, cervical spinal cord and brainascendingly. These findings suggest that the virus injected directly to nerve cells seems to be transmitted from cell to cell through nerve fibers.<BR>d) In cases of viral contamination into cerebrospinal fluid at the time of injection (intracerebral, -spinal injection and inoculation into olfactry bulb) described above, SFL was recognized in a few nerve cells near the wall of ventricle. This fact suggests that there are possibilities of JE infection via cerebrospinal fluid in cases of the artificial spinal injection of JEV.<BR>3 Using FAT to human JE cases (death on the 4 th and 8 th hospital day), SFL was shown in nerve cells of hypothalamus, substantia nigra and cerebral cortex. By the use of FAT the pathological diagnosis of human JE will be established more rapidly and easily.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文