Bufo vulgarisの脳刺激の運動効果について
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The present author wished to elucidate the role of various parts of the toad brain in the body movement. The optic lobe, optic nerve, cerebellum, and medula oblongata were selected for the stimulating points.<BR>And the motor effects were examined by leading the action potentials from M. oculomotorius, temporalis, depressor mandibulae, masseter, submaxillaris, deltoideus, intraspinum, retractor scapulae, pectoralis, extensor carpi radialis, ulnaris, latissimus dorsi, triceps brachii, longissimus dorsi, ilio abdominis, obliquus abdominis externus, rectos femoris anticus, vastus lateralis, fibularis, gastrocnemius and flexor digitorum pedis.<BR>Stimulation of the above mentioned parts of the brain evoked the excitation in above mentioned muscles.<BR>The latent period of the excitation of one muscle caused by the stimulation of the optic lobe was always shorter than that which caused by the stimulation of optic nerve. The difference were 3-16 msec. These mean the central delays in the optic lobe. The length of the delay depend upon the complexity of the neuron connection in the optic lobe in one hand, and the state of the excitability in the optic lobe in the other hand.<BR>If it can be assumed that the synaptic times in optic lobe are similar those in the spinal cord, there exist more than three synapes in optic lobe when the impulses coming in from the optic nerve and run away to the spinal cord.<BR>Direct stimulation of the optic lobe evokes always the excitation of the varoius skeletal muscles.<BR>But there exist no clear focus which correspond to one muscle only. The stimulation of one point of the optic lobe evokes excitations of various muscles of both body sides. And one muscle can be excited by the stimulation of various parts of the optic lobe of both sides.<BR>So called focus of one muscle spreads on the optic lobe in vast surface area and overlaps on that of the other muscle.<BR>The motor effect of the optic lobe is stronger in ipsilateral muscle than in contralateral. The latent periode of the excitation evoked in ipsilateral muscle is shorter than that in contralateral muscle.<BR>The threshold of the optic lobe to evoke the excitation of the muscle of the head and upper body is lower than that of the lower body and extremities.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文