家畜その他哺乳類の骨口蓋前域にみられる孔の名称について 今泉博士の論文を拝読して
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A report of"The so-called Foramen incisivum and Fissura palatina of Perissodactyla and some other mammals"was published in the jour. Mamm. Soc. Japan, vol. 2, no, 5, pp. 131-135, Sept. 1965 by Dr. Y. IMAIZUMI. He reported that the so-called Fissura palatina of <I>Equus</I> must strictly be called Foramen incisivum, while a foramen between the medial border of the palatal portion of the premaxillaries should be designate as Foramen intermaxillare.<BR>The author re-examined by comparison-anatomical studies the nomenclature of two such foramens of the anterior area of Palatum osseum in domestic animals and some other mammals. The outline of the results obtained by the present study was resembled the views previously stated by Dr. Y. IMAIZUMI. However, the author proposes to designate a foramen between the medial border of os incisivum (Perissodactyla) as the Foramen interincisivum s. interpremaxillare, and to call a fissure-like opening of it in Artiodactyla and etc. as Fissura interincisiva s. interpremaxillaris.
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