A Case of Granuloma in Tympanic Membrane after Myringoplasty
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A 7-year-old boy with tympanic perforation on the right side underwent myringoplasty using the temporal fascia inlay method. Three months postoperatively, tympanic membrane showed gradual bulging, indicating probable cholesteatoma formation. Five months after the first operation, re-operation was performed. Surgical findings showed remarkable thickening of the tympanic epithelium without cholesteatoma formation. The lesion was removed and was covered with temporal fascia. Histopathological findings showed granulation-formation, collagen fiber-regeneration and necrosis, infiltration of lymphocytes, eosinophil's and basophil's granules. We sometimes encounter iatrogenic cholesteatoma after myringoplasty or tympanoplasty. This is a rare case of tympanic granuloma after myringoplasty.
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