Study for Making Isosorbide Jelly to Increase Compliance
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Pathophysiology of Meniere's disease has been thought to be endolymphatic hydrops. Osmotic diuretics are a reasonable medication for Meniere's disease to reduce the hydrops. Isosorbide (Isobide®) is widely used to treat Meniere's disease. However, some patients with Meniere's disease cannot drink Isosorbide, because of the bitter taste. They feel discomfort of the mouth and throat after drinking. If such discomfort is alleviated, medication compliance should increase. We compared ease of drinking between original liquid Isosorbide (ISO-L) and Isosorbide jelly (ISO-J).Subjects were 12 normal healthy volunteers who had never drunk ISO-L (normal group) and 4 patients with Meniere's disease who had already drunk it (patients group). Each subject drank ISO-L and ISO J. Then they evaluated the score for ease of drinking of both medicines. Score 1; easy to drink, score 2; able to drink with slightly discomfort, score 3; able to drink with severe discomfort, score 4; unable to drink.In 9 of 12 subjects of the normal group, the scores of ISO-J were smaller than those of ISO-L. In all subjects of the normal group, the score of ISO-J was no larger than that of ISO-L. One subject could not drink ISO-L (score 4) but could drink ISO-J (score 3). In 2 of 4 subjects in the patients group, the score of ISO-J was improved over that of ISO-L. However, in one subject the score of ISO-J was larger than that of ISO-L.It was suggested that patients who cannot take ISO-L, can take ISO-J. Jelly formation is useful to increase Isosorbide compliance. To further avoid bitter taste, quick swallowing of ISO-J after chewing twice or three times is needed.
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