改良型ラリンジアルマスク使用経験 : 咽頭展開困難例に対して
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Recent reports have described the usefulness of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in laryngeal and respiratory organ operation due to its advantage of reduced stimulation of the mucous membrane of the trachea during intubation. Moreover, LMA can secure a good laryngeal field of view.We report a case of laryngeal papilloma. It was difficult to get a good view and remove the tumor completely by rigid laryngoscope, therefore we used a remodeled LMA and two flexible fiberscopes with channels to remove the tumor. Forceps guided through one fiberscope were held and pulled the tumor, while a semiconductor surgical laser-fiber through the other fiberscope was used to cauterize the stem of the tumor.If we devise operative techniques and other instruments, other operations may be safety performed via LMA.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 2003-08-01
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- 改良型ラリンジアルマスク使用経験 : 咽頭展開困難例に対して