扁桃摘出術についての私見--133例の経験から:臥位施行--側隔時施行などについて (服部浩教授開講10周年記念論文集)
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One hundred and thirty-three tonsillectomies conducted in the last three and a half years of which 79 were performed under general anesthesia, were presented and discussed from the standpoints of security in performing the operation and postoperative management.It is most important that the operation be performed in a supine position even when topical anesthesia is used to prevent the state of orthostatic hypotension and to monitor the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure during the operation. There is no difficulty in performing the operation in a supine position under topical anesthesia.The intravenous drip infusion via the plastic catheter is indispensable during the operation. The use of an electric coagulater makes hemostasis easy and sure.To avoid such postoperative complications as pain, fever and bleeding, we recommend bilateral tonsillectomy should be performed in two steps with an interval of five to seven days, particularly in elderly patients.
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