Subdural Abscess as a Complication of Chronic Sinusitis; A Case Report.
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A 20 year-old male was admitted because of disturbed consciousness. X-ray and CT examinations showed cloudiness in the maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus and subdural space. We diagnosed rhinogenic subdural abscess. Caldwell-Luc and Killan's operations and 3 times drainage of the subdural space were carried out, in addition to antibiotic therapy. He recovered completely and was discharged 89 days after admission.We surveyed 51 cases reported during the past 11 years and rhinogenic intracranial complications seems not to be declining.MRI, in addition to CT, is considered to be very useful in the diagnosis of subdural abscess.
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- Subdural Abscess as a Complication of Chronic Sinusitis; A Case Report.