Flow Cytometric Studies on Cell Kinetics in Head and Neck Tumors. 3rd Report: Assessment of Malignancy by Double Stain.:-3rd Report: Assessment of Malignancy by Double Stain-
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With the use of double staining with propidium iodide and fluorescein isothiocyanatelabeled cytokeratin for the mixed cells in the head and neck cancers, DNA histograms exclusively consisted of epithelial (cancer) cells could successfully be obtained. DNA histograms of the tumors were classified into three type: type I (diploid pattern) for all 10 cases of benign tumors, and type I for 3 cases, type II (aneuploid pattern) for 6 cases and type III (changeable into aneuploid pattern) for 13 cases among the 22 cases of malignant tumors. By the present method, the DNA-index of cancer cells can be accurately evaluated and therefore, it is useful, for the classification of DNA-ploidy. The present study also suggests that the DNA-index of cytokeratin-positive cells is a valuable index of cancer. This method of detecting cancer cells and evaluating their DNA can should prove clinically useful.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
山下 敏夫
河本 圭司
関西医科大学 法医
堀 芳朗
熊澤 忠躬
和田 安弘
山崎 典子
関西医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
榊 徳子
和田 安弘
関西医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
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