- 論文の詳細を見る
Snoring is an abnormal sonorous breathing sound which occurs during sleep caused by obstructive conditions of various degrees of severity in the upper airway.The problems of snoring can be divided into two categories. One is the stenosis which causes snoring, and the other is the sound of snoring itself.Excessive airway stenosis causes frequent apnea, which leads to various complications. Sleep apnea syndrome is recognized as a life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment.What is not recognized by physicians is the problem caused by the sound of snoring. The sonorous sound annoys the bed-partner or co-sleepers, and their complaints often make the snorer reluctant to sleep with other people. In an extreme case, the sound may prevent a patient from being admitted to a hospital. Therefore, snoring which does not accompany apnea should also be treated as a serious disease.
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