IgG subclass deficiency in patients with upper respiratory tract infection.
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Immunodeficiency syndromes are considered to be responsible for some intractable infections of the ear, nose or throat.In Japan, however, there have been only a few reports of IgG subclass deficiency.This is a report of four cases of chronic or recurrent respiratory infection considered to be related to low serum levels of IgG subclass.In two patients with purulent rhinorrhea and productive cough the diagnosis was chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis and OME. Haemophilus influenza was isolated in sputum cultures. One patient had selective IgG2 deficiency and the other patient had a low serum IgG4.The third patient had prolonged otitis media, had low serum IgG3 and a diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome, the fourth had recurrent otitis media, low serum IgG4 and a diagnosis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.Monthly intravenous injections of human immunoglobulin with high concentrations of the deficient subclass and appropriate antibiotic therapy brought about cures of their infections.
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- IgG subclass deficiency in patients with upper respiratory tract infection.
- 当科における小児の喘鳴症例