臨床 星状神経節ブロック後の頸部・縦隔血腫例
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It is well known that there are many complications in stellate ganglion block (SGB), but many of them are transient. Delayed severe airway obstruction due to hematoma following SGB is rare. We encountered a case of cervical, mediastinal hematoma and severe airway obstruction after SGB which had been performed for a 28-year old man with facial paralysis. On the day of the 3rd treatment, 4.5 hours after SGB, he suffered severe dyspnea. Cricothyrotomy was performed. Computed tomography revealed a large soft tissue mass extending in the retropharyngeal space from the cervical to mediastinal part. This soft tissue mass consisted of hematoma. We drained hematoma surgically, resulting in a good outcome with no complications. This case accompanied an unusual course of the vertebral artery. We speculated that the needle for SGB injured the vertebral artery and these caused massive hemorrhage in the retropharyngeal space.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
森山 正臣
鈴木 正志
森山 正臣
首藤 純
鈴木 正志
鈴木 正志
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