定期借家制度導入の意義 (特集 定期借家制度の導入の意義と新たな展望)
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The legal system of house lease with fixed term has been introduced by the amendment of The Act of Land Lease and House Lease (Shakuti-Shakuya Hou) with the enactment of The Act of Special Measures to Accelerate Supply of High Quality Housing for Lease, etc.(Ryousitu-na Tintai-Juutaku toh no Kyoukyuu nikansuru Tokubetu-Soti-hou) in 1999. The system has taken effect March 1, 2000 and is expected thereconsideration by the legislative body in two years from now. This paper intends to examine the purpose ofintroduction of the system, its popularized conditions and the point at issu, etc.