物流政策の展開に見る物流拠点問題 (特集 ロジスティクス関連施設の立地問題--不動産学からの検討)
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A logistics policy is different from a transportation policy. In Japan, the public logistics policy, introduced first in 1960s, included the Compound Terminal in order to promote the Intermodal Transportation System .<BR>In 1996, the Council of Transportation Policy in the Ministry of Transportation discussed why the public logistics centers should be developed in Japan. They concluded that public logistics centers would have the following six purposes.<BR>(1) the Center toimprove distribution efficiency<BR>(2) the Center topromote modal shift (Multi Modal Transportation System)<BR>(3) the Center for transshipment of trucks (Truck Termina1)<BR>(4) the Center to facilitate cooperative delivery (Consolidation)<BR>(5) the Center to handle imported goods<BR>(6) the Center for emergency purposes<BR>In 1997, the Japanese Government made the Comprehensive Program for Logistics Policies, which emphasized that public logistics centers (or distribution centers) were especially important for Japanese logistics modernization.
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- 物流政策の展開に見る物流拠点問題 (特集 ロジスティクス関連施設の立地問題--不動産学からの検討)