コンバージョンをめぐる私法的課題 (特集:建物の用途コンバージョンを考える)
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The building for habitation in the central part of a town is mainly owned by unit ownership in Japan. When a building owner is going to do conversion, a repair work is required. But, it is difficult to procure the funds. Since it is common that the mortgage is set as a building, it is necessary to erase a mortgage. For erasing, the owner has to repay a part of debt at least in a bank.<BR>If the owner of a building is going to cover the expense with the price which sold off the building pratially, the requirements for unit. ownership will be a problem. Since the space for habitation and business-use space are intermingled, menagement of the building is difficult in the building of partial conversion.<BR>It will be easy to perform conversion, if the remaining tenants leave spontaneously, but it is difficult under the present Land Lease and Building Lease Law.
- 社団法人 日本不動産学会の論文
- 定期借地権制度の検討(四)
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- コンバージョンをめぐる私法的課題 (特集:建物の用途コンバージョンを考える)
- マンションの区分所有者の特定承継人と建築当初の用途制限の合意の効力(最高裁判決平成9.3.27) (特集/ 最近における不動産判例の動向)
- シンポジウム 〔日本不動産学会〕春季全国大会 マンション建替え円滑化法案をめぐって
- タイトル無し
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