Theoretical Study on Design of Sanitary Landfill Gas Vents:—Proposal of a method for numerical calculation and discussion about influential parameters for gas vent design—
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This study presents a numerical method for calculating gas flow around a sanitary landfill gas vent, when gas flows by pressure. The method described is a three-dimensional compartmental model and includes methods to determine the dimensions for the model. Using the numerical method, the following results are obtained.<BR>1) In the case of gas generation rate (<I>G</I> [s<SUP>-1</SUP>] ) × depth of refuse layer (<I>L<SUB>z</SUB></I> [m] ) ≤leakage gas flux through final cover soil, <I>q<SUB>c</SUB></I> obtained from Eq. (9), a landfill-gas vent such as that studied in this paper is ineffective.<BR>2) It is pointed out that the landfill-gas vent should be designed by fitting both the landfill gas collection efficiency (η) and the maximum pressure under final cover soil (Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>) .<BR>3) Non-dimensional differential pressure Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>, which is defined as Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>/Δ<I>P</I>, and η can be mainly estimated using two parameters (<I>K<SUB>s</SUB></I>/<I>K<SUB>x</SUB></I>, <I>L<SUB>x</SUB></I>/<I>L<SUB>z</SUB></I>), where <I>L<SUB>x</SUB></I>=half of distance between two vents, <I>K<SUB>x</SUB></I>=horizontal permeability of refuse layer, <I>K<SUB>z</SUB></I>=vertical permeability of refuse layer, and <I>K<SUB>s</SUB></I>=permeability of final cover soil, Δ<I>P</I>=μ<I>G</I> (<I>L<SUB>z</SUB></I>) <SUP>2</SUP>/<I>K<SUB>x</SUB></I>, μ=viscosity [Pa·s] .<BR>4) η and Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>are not influenced by the intermediate soil layers and horizontal daily cover soil layers.<BR>5) Vertical daily cover soil layers strongly influence η and Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>. Therefore soil with high permeability should be used for daily cover soil.<BR>6) When a gas vent is used for collection of both leachate and gas, both 1-η and Δ<I>P</I><SUB>max</SUB>decrease by 80% compared with the case that the gas vent used only for gas collection.
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