- 論文の詳細を見る
A part of top athletes attach importance to Kansei at the time of competition, and admit closed relation between Kansei and best performance. On the other hand it is told that top athletes have the chance of so-called “strange experience”when they are creating best performance. The objective of this study is to clarify the “strange experience”. Interview studies were carried out to the forty-one Japanese top athletes in the national and world level. As results 228 “strange experience”cases were obtained. They were classified into eight categories, “sensory information”, “positive sense”, “unconsciousness”, “unity/harmony”, “beyond time and space”, “natural flow”, “Qi”, and “expander consciousness than the size of body/outer force”. This “strange experience”would be the same phenomenon as “super experience”and “peak experience”, which is commonly used in the ultra-psychological field. We discussed this phenomenon from the Jung's Theory in psychology and Matsumoto's theory in brain science. Kansei would act as a Key factor to produce “strange experience”to achieve the best performance.
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