Agglomeration and the Characteristics of the Animation Industry in Seoul:Focus on International Division of Labor and the Labor Market
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine agglomeration and characteristics of the animation industry in South Korea by analyses of B-to-B transactions and characteristics of labors. The industry is agglomerated in Seoul, the capital city, and depends on exports to Japan, U. S. and Europe of sub-contracted works. In addition, the styles of transaction and production have the different characteristics depending on clients' countries.Transactions of firms which mainly deal with Japanese clients are fixed and based on mutual trust. Firms are requested to work in short lead-time and to response flexibly to characteristics of Japanese animation industry. Thus, firms cope with increase and decrease of works and change of schedules by employing workers as freelancer. Works that freelancers get depend on firms which freelancers belong. Backgrounds of new entries are various. Hence, many of them enter the industry with lack of experience; and they learn specialized skill through connection on the job. The reasons of continuing to work in Seoul are interconnection of work mates as well as concentration of the industry.On the other hand, firms which mainly dealing with U. S. A. and Europe do businesses with various industries and they emphasize social credit of firms. Credits of firms are estimated by locational name value and producing stability and capacity of capital. Hence, firms prefer to locate their office in or nearby Central Business District in Seoul. Many workers are employed as freelancers by these firms, too. Workers choose opportunities to learn skills according to their jobs. And they get works not only from a firm they belong to but also outside their own firm. The reasons of continuing to work in Seoul are interconnection of work mates who play roles of sub-contracting-windows as well as the accessibility to the industry concentrated in Seoul.Thus, the animation industry is agglomerating into Seoul by the characteristics of business to business transaction and labor market in Korea.
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