A Case of Pigmented Villonodular Bursitis
- 皮下膿瘍より分離された暗発色性非定型抗酸菌の1菌株について
- The Easy Oblique Method of X-ray Photographing of Hip Joint
- Treatment of Trochanteric Fractures
- Clinical Observations of 33 cases of Posterior Dislocations and Posterior Fracture-Dislocations of the Hip
- A Follow-up Study of 111 Radial Nerve Injuries
- Study on Posterior Displacement of the Lumbar Vertebrae
- A Study of the Prognosis of Fractures About the Knee Joint
- The Experience of the Denis Browne's Method for Congenital Club-foot
- A Case of Pigmented Villonodular Bursitis
- Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Follow-up Study of Sixty-four Patients with Lumbar Disc Lesions
- Clinical Observations of Peripheral Nerve Injuries
- Clinical and Experimental Studies of Peripheral Nerve Injuries, with Special Reference to the Time to Surgical Treatment