Treatment of "GOJU-GATA"
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cause of "Goju-gata" is yet unknown, but in many it is felt to be due to disorder of the biceps mechanism or suprahumeral gliding mechanism. In most the condition can be cured within 18 months after onset by conservative therapy, but in some pain and motor disturbance persist.With the purpose of reducing the length of treatment, surgery was peaformed on 35 cases suffering severe pain. Pain subsided shortly after surgery and remission was attained with in one month in all but 3. However, considerable time was required to regain full range of movement. In 25 cases full range of movement was regained within six months after surgery, but in 10 pain associated with movement and limitation in range persisted for more than six months. Therefore, it is felt adequate functional trainig is necessary following surgery.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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- タイトル無し
- Treatment of "GOJU-GATA"