Abduction Movement of the Shoulder in the Scapular Plane
- 論文の詳細を見る
The relative contributions of scapular and glenohumeral movements to scapular plane abduction of the upper exterimity have been investigated using a direct electrogoniometric method on 15 normal men.From this study the following conclusions seem to be justified.(1) Scapular and gleno-humeral movements are continuous throughout the whole range aduction in the scapular plane.(2) The maximam abduction range is 140° on an average. (scapular movements: 37.5°, gleno-humeral movements 102.5°).(3) Between 40 and 130 degrees, the amplitude of the gleno-humeral movement is twice as large as that of the scapular movement.(4) The track of abduction while elevation is somewhat different from that while depression.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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- Abduction Movement of the Shoulder in the Scapular Plane