A Case of Squamous-cell Carciroma Arising from Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Left Ilium
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Since the first discription of carcinoma arising from chronic osteomyelitis by Hawking in 1835, many cases have been reported, in which the malignancy has mostly developed in the lower extremity. We report a case with squamous-cell carciroma occurring from chronic otteomyelitis of the ilium with a history of 60 years. Curettage of the lesion was performed, and the patient was followed with administration of Pepleomycin (total: 160mg) and Bleomycin ointment. The patient died 6 months after the operation. The findnges of the post-mortem dissection were as follows; 1) the left ilium, left sacroiliacal joint and left his joint were markedly destroyed by carcinomatous invasion. 2) tumor cells infiltrated into the vertebral bodies of the fifth lumbar, first and second sacral spines; and the extradural spaces below the L5 level. 3) no invasion was recognized in the retroperitoneal region.
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- A Case of Squamous-cell Carciroma Arising from Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Left Ilium
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