The soft tissue injuries of the face.
- 論文の詳細を見る
On the treatment of soft tissue injuries of the face, the correct orientation is important in primary repair. Especially, in eyelid, nose, and lip injuries, it is more difficult to repair old cases than fresh cases. In this paper we report five cases of our experiences.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
陣内 卓雄
小住 和徳
聖マリア病院 形成外科
門脇 哲郎
佐賀医科大学 外科学 (形成外科)
広松 直幸
佐賀医科大学 整形外科
尾崎 正美
聖マリア病院 形成外科
陣内 卓雄
佐賀医科大学 外科学 (形成外科)
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- 眼瞼脂腺癌を伴った Muir-Torre 症候群
- Prolapse of an intervertebral disc with compression of the cauda equina.
- Secondary Repair of Ingrown and Incurvated Nails.
- Treatment for Scar Contracture of the Axillary Resion.
- Musculocutaneous flap for closure of sacral, trochanteric and ischial pressure sores.
- Clinical Experience of Necrotizing Fasciitis.
- 大腿部に発生した巨大な筋肉内脂肪腫と筋層間脂肪腫に対する治療経験
- Squasmous Cell Carcinoma arising from Chronic Osteomyelitis.
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- Statistics of Patients with Burn Injuries During a 4-Year Period in Our Department.
- A case of primary malignant lymphoma in lumbar spinal epidural space.
- A case report of electrical injury leading to amputation at bilateral forearms and left thigh.
- Studies of footwears for rheumatoid arthritis.
- Study of Subcutaneous Digital Tendon Rupture.
- Facial bone fracture experienced in our hospital.
- Report of ten cases of blowout fracture.
- The Treatment of Dog Bite Injuries of the Face
- Three Cases of External Dental Fistula
- The soft tissue injuries of the face.
- Surgical Procedures for Sacral Presure Sores. Selection of operative modes.:Selection of operative modes
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Decubitus Ulcers.
- A Case Report on the Management of the Degloved Foot with the Full Thickness Meshed Skin Graft from the Degloved Skin.
- Two Cases of Nail Retention Cyst.
- A case report of snapping fingers of the bilateral thumbs and de Quervain disease.
- A Case Report of A Hand Injury Caused by Foreign Bodies (Metal Mercury).