Five cases of Barton's fracture.
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From 1983 to 1986, we treated six cases of Barton's fracture, and reported five cases over a half-year after their treatment. There were 3 males and 2 females: 4 were volar Barton's fractures and 1 was dorsal Barton's fracture. The mean age was 41.2 years with a range from 23 to 61 years. The most frequent mechanism of injury was a motorcycle accident, and others were a fall from the roof and a tumble in the steps. One was treated by closed manipulation and plaster cast immobilization and three by open reduction and internal fixation and one by percutaneous pinning. According to the Sarmiento system of evaluation, two were rated excellent, two good, and one fair. Some patients complained of occasional stiffness, slight pain, or weakness, but none reported major impairment. The successful recovery parallels the accuracy of reduction.
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- Five cases of Barton's fracture.
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