Spastic parapregia caused by the abnormal dilatation of the veins in the epidural fat tissue: A case report.
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A case of spastic paraplegia was reported. The patient was a 41-year-old male who complained of back pain at the onset and gradually developed paraplegia. Myelography showed no findings, but CTM and MRI showed that the posterior epidural space at the level of th2-th5 was widened abnormally. Laminectomy from th2 to th5 revealed the veins in the epidural fat tissue were dilated remarkably. The dura was opened, but there was no finding in the dura. So we resected the dilated veins by coagulating them. At present four months after surgery, muscle weakness and spastic gait are improved.
倉田 利威
力田 忠義
力田 忠義
吉岡 薫
梶谷 典正
平松 伸夫
市川 誠
力田 忠義
広島鉄道病院 整形外科
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