Fenestration Tehcnique for Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A review of thirty-five cases of lumbar spinal canal stenosis was made. Twenty-three males and twelve females with an average age of sixty-four years were involved. All cases were degenerative lumbar spinal canal stenosis except one which was a postoperative lumbar spinal canal stenosis.All had been treated surgically with a method so called "fenestration of the inter laminae space", which includes superior and inferior partial facetectomy and resection of the yellow ligament.Marked improvement of the clinical symptoms was obtained postoperatively in most cases.There were eleven cases of spondylolis thesis, in which four cases were categorized as unstable type. In three of these four cases, posterior fusions with transpedicular screws were made. But another one, in which fusion was not made, had a bad clinical outcome.Fenestration without fusion was thought a useful technique in cases of degenerative lumbar spinal canal stenosis that have not been accompained with instability of the spine.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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