Studies of the Movements in Standing Up from a Chair. The Second Report.
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to evaluate the influence of the height of a chair and the location of the feet during the action of standing up, we examined theel vocity of the center of gravity (C, O, G, ) with a force-plate and the angular velocity with a LOCUS II -D. System of ten adults.The distance between the C, O, G, and the point of application after forward tilting of the trunk participate in the difficulty and the motion time of standing up. When we draw our feet posteriorly, we can do it without difficulty and take less time, because the duration from the end of the rapid fore-movement to the plateau of the C, O, G, is shortened.As to the angular velocity, the hip joint and trunk extended before the knee joints when the feet were set anteriorly. On the other hand, the knee joints extended first when they were drawn posteriorly.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
岡本 義久
川越 正一
長倉 紘一
内田 雄
田島 直也
富崎医科大学 整形外科
山口 一郎
富崎医科大学 整形外科
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- Studies of the Movements in Standing Up from a Chair.
- Studies of the Movements in Standing Up from a Chair. The Second Report.