Time Course of Change in Cervical Disk Hernia on MRI. Traffic Cervical Injury.:Traffic Cervical Injury
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We studied the time course of changes in cervical disk hernia using MRI. Cervical disk hernia was diagnosed in 1942 patients using MRI, 72 cases of which had MRI performed twice. In 17 cases, we were able to compare MRI changes before and after clinical onset. For the remaining 58 patients, we were able to evaluate the changes seen in the prolapsed disk.In the latter 58 patients, the period from onset ranged from 24-39.1 months (mean 14.9 months). In 27 cases, the prolapsed disk reduced in size or disappeared, with one case decreasing in size after only 2.5 months.In these cases, the signal of the prolapsed disk was low or isointense. In comparison, no change in the size of the prolapsed disk hernia was observed in the 17 cases, and one case had no change for at least 2 years. In 12 cases, the size of the disk hernia increased.In ten of these 17 cases, who we performed MRI before and after clinical onset, the cases with augumentation of the size of the prolapsed disk hernia were observed. The increasing part frequently showed high signal intensity.
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